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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Most Brilliant #@! Genius in the Entire #!@ Universe.

This is clearly NOT Charles Worley.
Every so often, mankind is graciously blessed with the presence of unadulterated genius so brilliant that the lives of all are forever and irrevocably enlightened, enhanced, elevated. You’ve got your Euclid and geometry, your Galileo and astronomy, your Newton and gravity, your Einstein and relativity. You’ve got your Alex Trebek and everything. And now you’ve got your Worley and anti-gaytivity.

What? Who’s Worley, you say? Where have you been lately? Ass diving? Charles Worley is the North Carolina preacher in the recent news for his blindingly clever remarks about gay people. In case you missed it—and I again have to wonder what the hell you’ve been up to–Worley told his congregation that the best way to rid the Earth of the evil homosexuals is to “fence them in” so that they will “die out.”


He actually said that SOMEONE should build a “great, big, large fence 50 or a hundred mile long” and take all of the lesbians and fence them in one area and drop some food in—because God knows we gotta keep this humane—and then take all the “homosexuals and queers” (those two very different species) and fence them in somewhere else and let them have some food. But we got to electrify that fence “so they can’t get out.” And THEN—here’s my favorite part—“In a few years they will die out. You know why? They can’t reproduce.”

Dear God, this man is a fucking Mensa star! I mean, first, look at his keen grasp of the English language: Great. Big. Large. Have you ever seen adjectives so astute, so cutting-edge, so not redundant?!

And leaving off that pesky “s” at the end of “mile” shows what a Rhodes scholar we are dealing with here.

And, of course, the incredible logic in his “get[ting] rid of the all the lesbians and queers” plan is almost too profound for my average intelligence to process: If we sequester all the gay men away from all the gay women, NO MORE GAYS WILL BE BORN! Because that’s how gay people are born now: gay men and gay women are screwing each other like rabbits and just creating more and more little gaylets each and every moment. Right?


Last time I checked, there had to be a woman and a man involved to produce a baby, even one who may turn out to be homosexual. That means that if we REALLY want to get rid of all the gay folks, we are going to have to fence in all the straight men in one area and all the straight women in another until everybody dies out. VoilĂ ! No more gay people.

I have a much better idea. Let’s just build a big fence around alllllll the bigots and NOT drop in any food and leave them in there until they die out. Doesn’t that sound like a better solution for our world?

After a shitstorm of protest followed Worley's erudite profferings of Christian love, he uttered, “I’ve got a King James Bible. I’ve been a preacher for 53 years. Do you think I’m going to bail out on this?”

No. No, I’m quite sure you won’t bail out on your vomitous vitriol. People with a track record of stupidity this deep don’t generally embrace change. Or common sense.

You say you have a Bible? Well, Worley, I’m thinking that you might need to crack it open and read a little bit of the New Testament. Perhaps in your half-century of blustering bullshit you’ve forgotten what it says there. Love thy neighbor? Remember that? Oh, and while you’re reading, why don’t you shut the fuck up?

To read more of the original article:


  1. Good plan, Bloggurl!

    In the "How Soon We Forget" file, we might recall one Adolph Hitler whose plan was very similar to that of Mister Worley. About the same self-serving and ignorant mentality (or lack therof) resulted in the deaths of millions of innocents. And the worst part? More millions (mostly German citizens) "turned the other cheek" (and a blind eye) to his policies and the eager cooperation of his mad minions. It continues to astound me that members of our species, the self-proclaimed "big fish in the pond," continue to behave in such an un-evolved and monstrous manner. "Survival of the FITTEST"? Maybe Darwin possessed a closeted penchant for sarcasm.

  2. Hess!
    I believe you are right about Darwin. Wasn't his full name Charles SARCASTIC Darwin?! I have to wonder also about the "ignorant mentality" of people like Worley, who would never own the TRUTH that his bigotry and hatred do have that decidedly Hitlerian smack. It IS a different world, though, in that the light shines brightly on the haters instead of ignoring them as so much of the world did in WWII.

  3. Face it...some people are idiots...ok a lot of them are.

  4. And we personally worked with many of them!!
