Are you fucking kidding me? Hasn’t Georgia done enough to cement its reputation as the ignorant, in-bred bastard child of the nation? I used to love Georgia. But that was in the gilded fantasies of my youth. Then I moved back there and found cretinous cock roaches bigger than my dog and sweltering summer days that felt like my body was submerged in just-this-side-of-scalding water all day and night with no relief. Plus summer lasts from mid-March until late November. Oh. And apparently Georgia has still not gotten over its Dixie-days.
How in God’s name could school teachers think it was permissible to include questions about slavery on a fucking math test? What? They claimed it was to integrate history into the lesson? Well, perhaps that’s the wrong word for me to use. But the incredible fucktards wrote "Each tree had 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" and "If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in one week?" Ex-fucking-cuse me?? Where did this school system find these genius educators? Satan’s condo??
I suspect many of us would laugh heartily at the moronic questions if they were included in some ironic collection intended to draw attention to the evil and outmoded racism that still inexplicably exists not just in the Deep South. We’d be all “Can you believe some idiot wrote that?!” But it would be an uncomfortable titter at the fact that some of our not-so-distant forebears truly believed it was ever acceptable to enslave anyone. Instead of laughing, though, we should be roaring with outrage.
As I type, there are groups of people on this planet who still have the audacity to believe that they are somehow BETTER than another group. When is this shit going to stop? We are all just flesh and blood, skin and bones, clusters of cells, specifically fat cells if you're me. So don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that the freakasauruses who put slavery questions on a math quiz are any less than I am. They just happen to be the dumbshits of the day, and they need to get the fuck out of the classroom.
I want to ask these teachers, Where is the history lesson at??? I also want to ask them where they got their teaching certificates because this was by far the stupidest things they could have done. I mean think of all the parents who could be showing the teachers a history lesson or two, if they were so inclined to.
ReplyDeleteI agree entirely with your assessment of these "teachers" who really AREN'T, Bloggurl. Can you imagine, say, Socrates asking his pupils such an insensitive and debasing question? (And, in fact, some of his charges were known descendants of Greek slaves, you know.)
ReplyDeleteBut I must also comment on this observation: "[T]here are groups of people on this planet who still have the audacity to believe that they are somehow BETTER than another group." I think you've just identified the infamous "one-percenters" in our community (although they're not actually PART of our community; I mean, one doesn't get to rub elbows with them at the local craft fair or fleamarket or corner tavern). They're invisible in our world, hiding behind impenetrable walls and camera-equipped, electrified gates high on the hill, which they NEED to protect themselves from all the "riff-raff" like you and me, while they count their piles of cash (16 billion dollars is a lot of hundreds, isn't it?). And what's most offensive to me is that they (and their Republican minions who fight so zealously to protect their "friends'" wealth and privilege) truly believe they DESERVE the riches, because they worked SO DAMN HARD to earn it, climbing on all those less clever peers to do it (or simply inherited it). In fact, the best adjective to describe their enslavement of the "other 90 percent" of society is "OBSCENE."
Privileged people and their advocates use the term "Socialism" so pejoratively in referring to Obama's vision for our country. What's so wrong with a society in which everyone is on the same side, working together for the common good, rather than being put in competition for our world's dwindling resources. Don't we all put on our pants the same way, one leg at a time? Talk about "entitlement"! What gives these one-percenters THE FRIGGING RIGHT to sit in their ivory towers looking down their noses at us (or gaze from the bows of their 100 foot yachts, no doubt, or from 40,000 feet above us in their expensive private jets).
MANY people extol the merits of “capitalism” as though it’s the Holy Grail of political systems. Really? It's founded on the principle that those who “get lucky” in the great GREED race will justifiably proceed to subjugate and enslave the rest of us.
Fair? Equitable? Just? Right? Don’t make me laugh.