Welcome, Whiners!

Welcome, Whiners!
Are you tired of hearing, "Quit yer bitchin'?" Goood. You've come to the right place. Whiners, moaners, complainers, venters, and crybabies are all welcome and invited. No matter how petty and immature and insignificant your rant, you now have a place to post it. Or you can just enjoy my daily grousing. Yay. Let the bitching begin.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Bombers REDUX.

Okay. One of the most incredible take-downs in the history of law enforcement happened last week in Boston after a swarm of good-guys shot and/or captured the two asswipes who killed and maimed Americans with pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon finish line. After the bombings, disembodied voices on NPR droned on and on about how this would be a “lengthy investigation” that would take “years” to solve. Well-heh-heh-hellllll, maybe for NOT Boston. As much as I rue the overuse of cell phones, I hereby acquiesce temporarily so that I can pay tribute to their part in throwing a super-nova spotlight on the Tsarnaev brothers. 

Dear Terrorist Asslickers, 

As long as we exist, you will not escape our ever-vigilant surveillance. We see you. We record you. And suddenly, everybody knows your name. Especially in Boston, you fucking morons. Didn’t you watch Cheers? Oh. Wait. Nevermind. You aren’t baseball-, hotdogs-, apple pie- and Chevrolet-lovers, now, are you?? No, no. You are turdlets; steaming, putrid, and mustardy-yellow. And you are going DOWN.   

Boston Strong, bitches.

Love, cellphones

NOW. Can we STOP with all the pictures of the murderers? Every freaking time I turn on the news or open a news site on my computer, I’m assaulted by the faces of Tsarnaev 1 & 2. Give it a fucking rest. 

How about plastering up the face of the 26-year-old MIT cop, Sean Collier, who phoned in a disturbance and set up the downfall of the Brothers Grim? His face is one we shouldn’t forget. Likewise, we need to focus on Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and Lu Lingzi, who were killed; and the scores of bombing victims who were seriously injured. We’ve gotten so negative in America. We're so fascinated with evil. And all we do is carp, carp, carp. There is a never-ending stream of negative voices filling the airwaves with so much shit, it’s no wonder the ozone is thinning. 

And another thing with which I’ve got a grain-fed beef: What happened to patriotism in America? It takes a terroristic wake-up call for Americans to stand together and declare their love for our country. What is wrong with you people? Yes, yes, our country isn’t perfect, for God’s sake. But America is the best place on earth. If you disagree, then go somewhere else. No one is stopping you, and plenty of people are waiting in line and jumping fences to take your fucking place. 

Don’t forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Our country is the greatest in all the land for sure and I for one, don't understand why people who are born here knock this country. If they were born elsewhere, they could be stoned for going against their country. Heck, if you're a female in some countries you could be killed for being a female.

    But you know, there is something to be said for a good ole fashioned public stoning...maybe the brother that survived should be a participant.
