Welcome, Whiners!

Welcome, Whiners!
Are you tired of hearing, "Quit yer bitchin'?" Goood. You've come to the right place. Whiners, moaners, complainers, venters, and crybabies are all welcome and invited. No matter how petty and immature and insignificant your rant, you now have a place to post it. Or you can just enjoy my daily grousing. Yay. Let the bitching begin.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Annnnnd the Lawsuits Begin...

These are filled with flaming shit. I plan to dump both of them on the sorry-assed lawyer who just filed his frivolous lawsuit in Newtown, Connecticut. But wait…that’s kind of like pouring water on water. Huh.

Less than two weeks after the hideous mass-murder at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, an attorney has filed a lawsuit against the STATE OF CONNECTICUT for…wait for it…100 MILLION DOLLARS.

Now, I completely understand that most rational people feel outrage and befuddlement at the senseless slaughter of young children and the adults entrusted with their care and education. Most people, too, probably have an unreachable itch, a nagging desire that someone needs to pay. Sadly, the person responsible for the carnage isn’t available for a public stoning. The initial anger that boiled the collective heart of our nation—and possibly the civilized world—no doubt could have propelled even the sweetest of us to hurl a stone on the pile. The fact that the young man was clearly mentally ill tempered my ire enough for me to see that nothing that we could do to him would restore the broken families and the lost trust that his insane actions created. Unfortunately, blood lust still exists. And so does avarice. ALWAYS avarice. In abundance.

So. Huh. Why shouldn’t someone have to pay for the unimaginable wreck in Newtown? Shouldn’t someone carry the costs of burying the victims, of restoring or renovating the school, of creating a program or system of prevention, of continuing medical care for any injured parties? That’s where things go awry. WHO should foot those costs? And WHO should receive the benefits? The lawyer for the SIX-YEAR-OLD survivor of the Sandy Hook shootings said, “We all know it’s going to happen again. Society has to take action” (http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/29/16233914-lawyer-for-newtown-shooting-survivor-seeks-to-file-100-million-lawsuit?lite).

Ahhhhh. I see now. The six-year-old’s receiving $60 million dollars—after the lawyer gets his 40—will keep this from happening again. The child is one of the hundreds in attendance at Sandy Hook that horrible morning who heard the screams and shots over the intercom. She has been traumatized, and $100 million will salve her wounds. Are you fucking kidding me?!? This kid’s parents are no better than the asshats who immediately started scamming for “funds to benefit the Sandy Hook victims” as soon as the news broke.

Can you imagine how the bereft parents of the children who died feel about this crap? Gee, we’re so sorry that your surviving, living, breathing daughter is so fucking traumatized. Maybe some millions of dollars will help. And the mother-fucking snake who has filed the lawsuit should be ashamed to death although there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that he is. Gahhhhhhh. I hate it when greedy ballsacks behave like greedy ballsacks! The state of Connecticut is immune from being sued unless permission is granted by the state claims commission. Here’s hoping and praying that permission is swiftly denied and that any future offensive litigation is effectively quashed. At least NOW we all have a target for our incredible fury.


  1. I read this story online and was immediately appalled but then quickly realized there is always "one" who will do something like this. I'd like to think the parents are acting out of grief and such but they aren't. Let's see...give me millions of dollars and it will stop me from being fat. Yeah. OK. Works for me. Morons. No amount of money is going to remove that trauma for that six-year old...years of therapy may help to cope but no money will let you forget. Good Golly.
