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Monday, March 26, 2012

Holy Shit. A 7-Year-Old Girl on a DIET? What is WRONG with this Picture?

See? THIS is when you need to intervene in a child's diet, douche bag. 

Oh. My. Holy. Mother. I see that I’m not the ONLY one who’s discussing this crazy mother I read about in my recent issue of Vogue, the one with Jennifer Lopez on the cover, looking fetching in her best boob-peekage red dress. That Jennifer. She has the most famous ass on the planet, and she’s always showcasing the twins. Go figure.

But back to the more important matter: In April’s issue of Vogue, I was purttttty disturbed to find an article by Dara-Lynn Weiss, who claims that she had to take drastic measures to get her “fat” 7-year-old to slim down. Yeah. Slim down. Because everyone knows how important it is to be svelte when one is SEVEN. Goddamn. I know that somewhere in the hardened little heart of that mother, she feels that she must save her daughter from the taunts of cruel playmates and the ugliness of a world in which heavy people still receive heaps of discrimination. But, c’mon! Making this kid’s DIET an obsession for a year and then WRITING about it in a major publication is not the way to go about the task.

Mrs. Weiss has become as cruel as any playground fiend; she’s turned into a manipulating tyrant who’s focused so much attention on every morsel that passed the lips of her child, that there’s no way the kid can come out of this unscathed. How would you like it if everyone in the world suddenly knows that your mother calls you “fat” and tricks you into a diet by pushing the “clinical obesity” angle, so you’ll be afraid of dying of an early heart attack? Fucking GREAT idea, Dara-Lynn. Not only will your little Bea think of herself in terms of appearance for the rest of her twisted life, but she’ll forever wonder if she’s one corn-salad side dish away from a stroke.

This kid is 8, but her self-image is already destroyed. At the end of the article, Bea says that just because she lost 16 pounds (which is A LOT when you weigh 93 pounds to start), she’s still the same. And then her mother says, “That fat girl is a thing of the past.” Jesus. She really said that. As if her 16-pounds heavier daughter is some thing, and THANK GOD we got rid of it.

I see years and years of therapy coming, and God help Bea when she gets out from under the Dara-Lynn dictatorship. I know mags like Vogue just have to hop on any controversial topic to get those sales up! But, damn. This woman got PAID to annihilate her own child.

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