you will kindly recall from the post “I Hate Fricking Needles, Bitches. Damn!”
on April 4 (http://bluhoo.blogspot.com/2012/04/i-hate-fricking-needles-bitches-damn.html),
I hate fricking needles, bitches.
you will remember that the original doctor who assessed my knee is a dick; and
the second doctor who impaled my knee with a needle the size of a telephone
pole is the first doctor’s brother and also a dick. On top of the fact that neither
M.D.—which stands for “Medical Dick” in this case—noticed a torn ligament in my
MRI, the elder dick prescribed months of physical therapy appointments with a PT who clearly
despised his job and seemed repelled by my very existence. The guy was actually
really cute—he looked a lot like Justin Bartha from The Hangover and National
Treasure films—but looks aren’t everything.
guy never remembered my name. He always assigned exercises for me to do and
then hurried back to socializing with the other therapists. He yawned so frequently
that I wondered if he had time to sleep in between trips to the gym, socializing
at work and being a dick.
you know, I don’t really give a shit whether that asshole gets enough sleep. He
wasted months of my time giving me useless exercises that did approximately
nothing to help my knee. And then the needle-wielding prick for whom he works
told me that my only options were to wear a hideous and uncomfortable brace for
the rest of my life OR to have an even more heinous surgery involving splitting
my kneecap into two pieces. Yeah. That sounds exactly like something I’m into.
I fucking love pain! When you get right down to it, I really hope all three of
those asshats get painful hemorrhoids that require major surgery.
since every single thing happens for a reason, I’m kind of glad the incompetent
fucktard of an orthopedic surgeon suggested such a ridiculous treatment plan so
that I could go on an immediate search for a second opinion.
did, in fact, have to go under the knife, but the surgeon I selected is a
gentle fellow. At least while I’m awake. And I love, love, love my new physical
therapist. Now, I’m not saying that just because she is female that she’s
inherently better. I know that’s not true because one day I had a substitute
therapist who is also female, and she must have gone to the same school as my
original PT—an institute that offers classes like “How to Look Like You Smell
Shit When You Have a Fat, Unattractive Patient” and “How to Speak in a
Condescending Manner to a Fat, Unattractive Patient Even Though Said Patient Has
More Intelligence in Her Fucking Knee Cap Than Your Entire Ancestry Has—Put
Together.” Okay. I admit I may have gotten fat and unattractive since I slipped
in Fall Mart. Sue me. But I digress.
I was telling you about my new PT. She is the same degree of amazing as my other PT is dickish. She truly knows her shit, and the only thing she’s never been able to answer is why any asshole would ever split someone’s kneecap in two pieces to make it better. Because I am a big, fat (and apparently unattractive) baby, and I whimper at the mere insinuation of pain, at every appointment she says, “I am not going to hurt you. We will stop if anything starts to hurt at all.” Until two days ago. I thought maybe my hearing aids were fucking up because it sounded like she said, “Now, this is going to hurt.” But it turns out that there is nothing wrong with this $4000 set of ears. She really said those six evil words and then backed them up with action.
noted that the muscle above my knee cap is too tight, so it is impeding my
ability to bend and walk without looking like a retard. She explained that it
was something, something, something and she would have to break up the scar
tissue and something, something, something. Honestly, after the evil
pronouncement, everything she said sounded like the teachers and parents in The Peanuts cartoons, so I didn’t really
understand most of it. All I know is that she got this plastic tool of death
out of the cabinet and proceeded to torture my leg like she was trying to
scrape 6-inches of fucking ice off a windshield. I swear to God that she
actually reached the bone layer.
her credit, she talked soothingly throughout the maiming, mentioning that I
might experience bruising, increased pain, and probably protracted, painful rectal
cancer; but I’m not sure because I quit breathing after the first few swaths of
the weapon and may have been hallucinating.
bad news is that I have to go through the mutilation again tomorrow. The good
news is that I still love and respect my PT because I trust that she knows what
she’s doing; that she honestly cares about me as a person and about my progress;
and that she fully intends to help me get back on both feet and stop walking
like a palsy patient. And she doesn’t stab me with fricking needles. Because I
hate needles, bitches. Damn!